Tammy on Video

Hi Bhowani

I just noticed that you have absolutely no video clips of Tammy on your site, none at all ! This saddens me greatly!

I checked Bondage Bob's site and found only 2 recent clips, those being posted recently and are of her with jasmine de Launay.
All the other Tammy clips are 2004 or 2005 vintage.

Is there a reason for this? Given Tammy's incredible talent for making wild faces over the gags I'd have thought her acting abilities would make her a natural for vid. Is she video-camera-shy? Do tell !


Re: Tammy on Video

Hey fellow members,

If you would like to see Tammy on video (especially in 70s style Just Blouse clips, snugly buttoned to the neck, of course), please make your feelings known to the man Bhowani who I am sure will do his very best to grant our wishes! (How 'bout it, buddy!)


Re: Tammy on Video


Well there's a coincidence!! How did I spend yesterday? Photographing and videoing Tammy, along with Frankie. I'll post some previews soon and I can tell it was the hottest shoot I've ever done. Lots of blouses, lots of bondage and some very sexy scenes. They even conspired together to tie me up - the photographer!!! What a pair of minxes.

I've worked with Tammy before but never done video, simply because I didn't do any video in the early days. I;m making up for it now though.


Re: Tammy on Video

When will the Tammy and Frankie shoot be up on video for us to see


Re: Tammy on Video



I'll be scheduling it in for my next upodate in a few weeks time

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